
Friday, November 30, 2012

Santa & Baby Jesus on ebay

                                Santa & Baby Jesus on ebay

I am putting a Santa holding Baby Jesus on ebay tonight.  He has a stern look and the baby is a vintage, sleepy eyes , 4 inch, celluloid  doll.  He is wrapped in gauze and then is  wrapped with a piece of  antique quilt.  It has some red in it and it just blends so nice.  

Santa is a sitting Santa that would be 18 inches tall if he were standing.  He has a faded red, flannel coat that is lined with Christmas green. He has a wide strip of rabbit fur down the front of his jacket.  His jacket can be pulled back a little also.  He has a Christmas vest on that was a never used glass wrap.  It had  lacquered holly leaves that I put on his hat. 

Santa will have a basket on his lap with some holly leaves and a white bottle brush tree.  In his right hand he is going to be hold a sprig of pine tree and 2 vintage mercury glass bulbs.   In his left hand, Santa will have Baby Jesus.  Baby Jesus and the basket are able to be moved.  Hanging off the basket is a vintage quilt, Christmas stocking.  It has a flat back doll and 2 candy canes in it.  

Santa has a clay face, boots & gloved hands.  His hood is trimmed in aged chenille.  His boots trimmed in aged cotton batting.  He has a leather belt holding his coat closed.  He has on his coat a magic key to your house,.....or your heart, at Christmas time.  It is pinned to his belt.  Also on the pin in a tiny silver bell.  It is quite dirty though.  

Also in his basket, is a piece of WV coal. This is for the naughty children or to leave for someone who has no fire in their hearth.  There are a few of wrapped gifts in the basket also.  

I will post a picture as soon as I get them done.         Bidding is starting out at 9.99.    WOW !! 

Facebook link below.

Merry Christmas!    dk

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sneak Peaks

                                             Sneak Peaks

Just a few pictures to give you a sneak peek of what is going to be on DK Vintage Holiday on facebook and then onto ebay.  

They were so much fun making.  I am working on the Santa.  He may be holding baby Jesus.  I am still thinking.  

There are several candy containers.  The heads of the snowmen are definitely  candy containers.  2
 of the standing snowmen are candy containers also.  

Now remember these are not finished.  Just try to guess what they will be.   

One is a Candy Container and the other reminds me of a laughing baby.  

These are both Candy Containers

The Santa may be holding baby Jesus.  Not a snowball head.  

The snowmen heads are definitely Candy Containers tops. 


I will be selling Santa's after Christmas since I got such a late start.  It is always a Holiday at my house.  Santa and his friends live at my house all year long. !!   What a fun place to live and create.   

Check back on DK Vintage Holiday on Facebook...  https://www.facebook.com/pages/DK-Vintage-Holiday/434496043264022

Merry Christmas !!    DK

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Home Sweet Home

                                 Home Sweet Home

It is so nice to go away but, it is most wonderful to come back home.   the trip to Dc for Thanksgivings was just super.  We ran into hardly no traffic.  Sooo Lucky !!   The beltway, coming out of DC was a mess, but going in it, was smooth sailing.  Everyone was trying to get out to get home or to go someplace else for Thanksgiving.  I hope everyone made it in time.  

My son made the most wonderful Thanksgivings dinner.  Second year in a row and everything was wonderful.  Of course, everything taste better when you don't have to cook it.  

Grand daughter, Miss Katie and I, did some wonderful glitter crafts.  We both love love glitter.  Can't wait to have time to work on my Putz houses.  I am going to restore the one's I have.  

I am going to work on some Santa candy containers for ebay.  I think I have about 4 heads ready to go.  I know they will come out nice.  I just love making my Santa's.  I could spend 15 hours on my workshop and the time passed so quick.  Sometimes I look down and think, is this all I've done?  Everything takes so long and ebay takes about 15 % off me after the shipping is added.  I know, no fair.  Why not before shipping is added?  

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and has started their Christmas shopping.  Usually by Thanksgiving, my shopping was done and mailed out.  Now for the holidays, I make Santa's.    ♥ 

for a few nice gifts.  You may get something really nice because the Santa's are on an auction.   My snowmen are very reasonable priced for a handcrafted, One Of A Kind.  Ooak

Well,  have to dash and start making some candy containers.  Seems that a lot of people are interested in those right now.   A got a very late start and then got very sick with strep throat.  This knocked me out of commission for several weeks.  But, Next Year, Look Out.   

Take care,  dk


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Full of Turkey

                                      So Full of Turkey

Why do I do it?  Why do I always have to stuff myself?   Well, it could be that Thanksgiving is the only time all this good stuff gets cooked together. Stuffing, pie, sweet potatoes, and of course the magnificent turkey.   

So maybe I will do it all over again and serve it for Christmas Day.  Oh !  I did not do it all!!  My son cooked.  That is why it tasted so good.  I did not have to cook it at all.  I did make the pies and cranberry salad, that was my mom's recipe.  Oh so good.  Yum.

I did not like cranberries until I was in high school.  Every year I took my Grandmother to a special dinner to honor St. Anne.  She was the Grandmother of Jesus.  Every year we drove to Steubenville, Ohio, which was only across the bridge, to go to St. John's Catholic Church, where we attended the service.

After the service we then attended a dinner, which was a turkey dinner.  So, that is where Gram insisted I try the the cranberries.  On My !!  I was in Love!!  Now we have cranberries anytime of the year at my house.
so if you encourage your kids to try different things, you should also try.

My son also encourages us to try oysters, clams and mussels. Those are something I will never eat again.  It was not instant love like the cranberries were.

My grand daughter and I are going to make Christmas decorations for her littlest pet shop doll house. She is the most important item  right now.  So, signing off.

 PS  I even named a snow doll after her.  Miss Katie.




Tuesday, November 20, 2012


                          Happy Thanksgiving 

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving Day.  I just can't wait to have some pumpkin pie and cranberries & turkey.  Yum !!

Monday, November 19, 2012



I have so many things to be thankful for.   ♥

My husband is number one on the list.  We have been married for 45 years.  Wow !  How could 

he put up with me for that long.   I guess he did because I put up with him that long also.  

 I worked on a few things for ebay today.  I had such a bad sinus headache that I could 

not concentrate on anything.  I even came home from work early because I got so bad.
 So, I set it aside and finished something for my Grand Daughter. 

 Her birthday was on the 18 and I just can't wait to give it to her.  I wish I could show you but, it 

is a secret thing that I will be making for Easter and next Fall & Christmas 2013.   It is really cute.  

I hope each and everyone of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  



Saturday, November 17, 2012

Not all things come out great. !!

               Not all things come out great.  

Things did not go so well today.  Yesterday was a great day when all 5 of my Snowmen went.  Today I wanted to make some snowman candy boxes.  After they were about 80 % done, I found out the lids were so tight, that I could hardly get them on.  Sooooooo  I had to tear them apart.  The snowman heads had cotton batting party hats.  They came out so cute.  Good thing they were not attached to the lids.  UGH !  That would have been disastrous.   

      What  did come out great was a Snowgirl, Miss Katie.  

She has on a coat made from an antique wool blanket.  She has on a pair of leather, antique opera gloves.  I cut the little fingers off and they fit her perfect.  She is holding a Frozen Charlotte that is over 150 years old,  Not perfect, but beautiful for something that old.  Katie's dress is made from a vintage piece of ruffled sheer fabric.  

At least I have something to show for the day.  Amen......Thank you God !!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Snow people on their way !!

          Snow People are on their way to Florida  !

All five Snowmen are on their way to Florida for Christmas.  An office full of men & woman bought them and saved money on shipping.  2 of the Snowpeople did not even make it to ebay.  I know they will be very warm this Christmas and beyond.  Since they are not exactly just Christmas decorations, people can leave them out until Spring.   They will be great for Valentines day also.

I am working on Miss Katie.  She is a snowgirl who just came from the play, The Nut Cracker.  She will have antique leather gloves on and be dressed in a pink wool coat.  

 Sorry , she is already sold.

I will also have, Bob The Baker.   He makes all the treats in Hollytown, where we all live. 


Santa lives at my house all year long.  Thank you for stopping by and saying hello. Yes, they speak,......to your heart.   Remember to check back for all other Holidays. Candy boxes , Easter, Americana, Pumpkin Men, Witches, Santa's Oh My !!

Ok, off to make more Snowmen & Santa's.  
Thank you for all your support.    DK

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Snowgirl gone

                            Little  Matchstick girl sold !

The Little Matchstick girl has gone to a new home in Ohio.   I know she will be safe and warm there for a long time.  She was Ooak.  All my snowmen and snowladies are Ooak.         ( One of a kind)

Her family will be on facebook this evening,  Go to   DK Vintage Holiday in search .  

I think 40 days until Christmas.  You can keep Snow people out until March !!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Struggling to get the Snowpeople finished.

           Struggling to get the Snowpeople finished. 

I am struggling to get the Snowpeople finished.  They came out so nice.  I have a walking Frosty with a broom I made.   I have a Red Hat Snow woman !  She is caring sugared snowflakes.   What else would she be caring. 

 I have one that has a candy cane, cane.  They have on little hats, party hats, and one has on an old  beer cap for his hat.  I had to take out some of the cork to get it to set right.  They have not used cork in the caps for a looooog time.  He looks great with it on.  He reminds me of a bully Snowman.  

I have to work at the doctors tomorrow.  Hope my legs don't fall off.  Then I will be home to finish up the Snowmen and post them.  

I'll pout a few finished pictures on here.

Don't forget to check out, DK Vintage Holiday,  on Facebook.  Just type it like I did and it will get you to my site.  I also have," Sneak Peeks",  on there.  

Keep your toes warm tonight.  It is going to get cold here.  Down to 29 tonight.  I wish I knew why my electric blanket stoped working.  I think I really need it tonight.  

Merry Christmas.  


Snowpeople are getting dressed.

                            Snowpeople are getting dressed.

All the little Snowpoeple are getting dressed  for their appearance on facebook...

DK Vintage Holiday  ~  on Facebook.                                          

To ebay page


                     Little Matchstick Girl

Little Match Stick girl is already on ebay.  She is so sad because it is so cold and she only has 1 more match to light.  I hope someone takes her home for the Holidays to warm her up.  

She was so much fun making.  I have several old  vintage hankies and made it into her cape and scarf.  It is aged a little and then it is crusted with ice and snow.  She sparkles so much.  

               Old Folk Art, African American Santa

I just want to keep him!!  He has the most beautiful hand painted eyes.  He comes in a set of 3.  A Folk Art Snow angle and a 10 inch home made folk art Christmas tree in addition to the Santa.  

He has on a vintage green coat, trimmed with aged batting.    He has silver bells on his hood.  He is also on ebay already.  Jump on over and take a look.  I love feedback, drop me a line.    

I am now off to dress the Snowpeople.  

Don't forget to jump on over to my Facebook page and like me.  
Leave me a note if you want of what you would like to see.  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Back to working on Santa's

            Back to working on Santa's and Snowmen.  

It seems that I am getting better from the worse case of strep I had ever seen.  I am in medicine and I never heard anyone describe it as hurting too much to swallow.  I wanted to lay on my stomach and just let the spit run out of my mouth,  I just did not want to swallow.   Oh, was it painful.  Then I took the medicine wrong.  I had to start over because my whole mouth inside hurt.  I still have a cough sometime but hope, time will take that away.  

Enough about me.  I want to tell you how wonderful my house smells.  I have been cooking my next Santa in the oven.  He is a Grunge Primitive Santa.  

His coat is a green vintage fabric.  Snow angle next to him.  He also has a Primitive Christmas tree , with raffia bows on it.  He smells wonderful.  He is a lot of hand sewing and I hope I can get him done to put on ebay this week.  

I am about to finish about 6 snowmen.  They will be on soon.  

Hope you have seen my Santa's on ebay.  My first Snow girl is, The Little Matchstick Girl.  She has on a scarf and cape from a vintage hanky.   She is trimmed in ice and has a little tree in front of her.  All her matches are burnt except one.  I hope someone nice lets her into their house for Christmas.  

Well, it is off to finish.  Just a heads up, my Santa's will be smaller.  That is about all the large heads I have.  The rest will be 14 to 16 inches tall.  

Marry Christmas !     I am thinking of Thanksgiving and the turkey dinner.  Can't wait.  Yum !!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote !!

                     I hope everyone voted today.

One of these days, we may not have the right to vote.   Exercise your right to vote.

Santa's did not sale on ebay.  I am not going to put them back on for a week.  I am working on a Primitive Santa.  My house smells so good.

My husband got up early on Saturday because he smelt the cinnamon.  He thought I was baking.  Poor thing.  He was so disappointed.  I can't wait to rub the clothing of this last Santa.  He is going to be an African American Santa.  He has such a beautiful face and eyes.   I won't have him finished for a few more days.

Merry Christmas !

Friday, November 2, 2012

To My Web Site

New Santa's are on ebay.

New Santa's on ebay this week. 

2 new Santa's went on ebay and there is only 1/2 as many people as last time who are seeing them.  I think it is because no one had bid on these.  A little sad because the start was so good.  But, I tell myself," I have just started on ebay, "  give it time.  Time is what I have. Anything that does not sale on ebay may go on etsy or saved for a craft show.   I will only go to 1 show next year.

This is one of my own sculpted faces.  

Blue 120 year old, Blue quilt coat Santa.

My new Santa, in the Blue Coat has a quilt  coat that is 120 years old.  It has 2 wool, green blankets inside of it and also a pink flannel top sheet.   The flannel top sheet was trimmed in pink crochet edging.  I wanted to rip it all up just to have the top sheet.  I did not and it made into a wonderful coat.  It was so old that all the fabric just sort of blended in together.  Not a bit bulky.  

I made the lantern that he is carrying in his right hand.  

If you have a chance, hop on over to ebay and check him out and see more pictures.  

Happy Santa !!

My other Santa is also one of my Sculpts.  I call him the Happy Santa because of his teeth and big smile.  I did make a silicon mold to save this face.  I like seeing Santa's teeth.  Make kids remember to brush. !!

He has green garland around his face and it is trimmed in vintage mercury glass beads.  His coat is also made from an Antique quilt.  I just love these guys.  I really hate to part with them.  But, I want to share the happiness I feel,  when I show them.  I hope they make everyone who sees then happy also.  

One more Surprise.  

Frosty the Snow Man, was also at my house.  He did find a new home in Rhode Island.  

Frosty was helping Santa deliver gifts on Christmas Eve.  He has a metal, ice covered bucket that is loaded down with gifts.   He has a long list and also a Magic Key that is on his flannel neck scarf.  It fit into any door, to open it, on Christmas Eve.  His hood can be worn up or down.   He has on his red boots and red button caps for the occasion.  

Here is a sneak peek of more Frosty friends. 
 Santa and his friends live at my house all year long.   

You may not recognize them after I am finished.  One will be Miss Katie.  she will have on leather gloves and a Pink coat.  

I actually cut the fingers off an antique pair of opera gloves and slipped them on the snow girl arms. I will attache a picture to show what I did. I just can't wait to finish Miss Katie.   

Worked at the doctors office today and had to get up in the early AM for several days.  Going to jump in my jammies and off to bed. 

Good Night.  Merry Christmas !!