
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Well, we have seen Santa in Green and Blue,

How about Purple?

  Anytime I saw a purple coated Santa, they always seem to have it listed as a rare color for him.  So, the hunt went on to find Santa dressed in purple. I laugh, because that is the same thing they said about the blue coat Santa. Why? This is what I figured out.

  The people went not as connected to other countries like we are today. If they were producing these post cards in Germany and Italy, it may be rare for someone to get them if  they lived in the United States. I believe that each region of the world decided what they thought Santa would wear and look like.  Purple is a very rich color, and usually only royalty used it.  Purple was often a color that was very expensive and difficult to make and manufacture. As such, royalty would often be seen wearing it.

Happy Be Your Christxas !           I was surprised to see Christmas spelt like this.   I loved the icicles. 



This card has a name Millie on the front of it.    Was it the name of the person sending the card?  Was it the name of the little girl who was going to receive the card? This is where my imagination runs away.  I try to decide who this card would be for.  How old was she?  Was she someones loved one, girlfriend or sister. Just wish I could see the other side.  I just want to catch a glimpse into another time.

If you found this interesting go to my Pinterest Page and see what other Santas I have there.  While you are
 there, take a look at DK Vintage Holiday ........Those are my art dolls.

Pinterest Happy Pinning !

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