
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mushrooms for Good Luck !!

                       Mushrooms for good luck. 

 How come I did not know this?  No wonder I don't have good luck.  I have to make some of these babies.  Oh yea !!  Here we go.  Look at the red, yellow and blue mushrooms that I made for gifts this year.  they came out so great!  How can I not have good luck now !  I wish, I wish.

I also wanted you to see my La Befana.  She is the Santa Lady that visits the children in Italy on January 6.  She leaves Candy & Cookies in their shoes.

We always called it " Little Christmas" when we were growing up.  I wanted to show you my La Befana snow lady that I made. Her hat is made from a vintage quilt. She has a  faded red flannel    cape.  She had a vintage bell hanging from her hat.  The bells sound so much different then they do now.  I move a Santa or a Snowman, and I can hear the difference of the bells they have out now.  

She was crusted in ice from the heavy winter snow and ice in the January months of Italy.  

This face does not look cold though.  This face look happy and glad.  She radiates a glow about her that just make you smile and say Ahhh.

This little lady made her home out in California.

That is all for right now.  Talk later.  DK

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