
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Old German Santa's


                    Old German Santa's on their way.  

I have been busy for several weeks make faces and painting several heads for Old German Santa's.  
There will be about 5 when I am done. with them all.  

I also will have smaller Santa's.  He will have a sled and he will come with a vintage reindeer.  He may be mounted.  I have not figured that out yet.  

Here is my facebook page where I do a lot of selling from.  I give a Sneak Peek there, before they go to ebay.  I have nothing on ebay right now.  All my Snow People have either sold or the bidding is done.   What is left over I just might go to a local sale.  Even in the summer.  They will be marked down from what they were listed on ebay.

Here is mu facebook page,  DK Vintage Holiday  Come on over and take a look and LIKE me.  


This walking Snowman was really a big hit.  I will be making more of them.  It takes a while for the paper mache to dry.  They are so sturdy but they are NOT toys.  Mose of them contain German Glass Glitter and should not be given to children.    

This Santa and little child will have to try to reproduce him.  So many people loved him.  It was one of my best selling faces.  

La Befana, the Italian Santa.  People just loved her.  Have to make more.  

Stay Tuned for Colored Chicks & Colored Rabbits.  

When my sisters and Uncle were younger, we would see the colorful chickens they had at the             5 & 10 cent store.  They were the most beautiful Easter colors. Real Chickens, in spring colors.   We wanted them all.  I have a really funny story to tell you but it will have to wait.   Sorry....  I have to work in the morning.  

Good Night ,   DK

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mushrooms for Good Luck !!

                       Mushrooms for good luck. 

 How come I did not know this?  No wonder I don't have good luck.  I have to make some of these babies.  Oh yea !!  Here we go.  Look at the red, yellow and blue mushrooms that I made for gifts this year.  they came out so great!  How can I not have good luck now !  I wish, I wish.

I also wanted you to see my La Befana.  She is the Santa Lady that visits the children in Italy on January 6.  She leaves Candy & Cookies in their shoes.

We always called it " Little Christmas" when we were growing up.  I wanted to show you my La Befana snow lady that I made. Her hat is made from a vintage quilt. She has a  faded red flannel    cape.  She had a vintage bell hanging from her hat.  The bells sound so much different then they do now.  I move a Santa or a Snowman, and I can hear the difference of the bells they have out now.  

She was crusted in ice from the heavy winter snow and ice in the January months of Italy.  

This face does not look cold though.  This face look happy and glad.  She radiates a glow about her that just make you smile and say Ahhh.

This little lady made her home out in California.

That is all for right now.  Talk later.  DK

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone

                          Happy New Year Everyone !!

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year.  Ours was very quite.  A good meal , some home made wine and help cleaning up the kitchen.  

I have been working on my favorite ornament, the mushroom.  I can't wait to finish them and get them up on the Blog.  They came out so beautiful.  I made the first one for my No # 1 Grand daughter, Katie Bug.  She picked it out and I got it finished for her before Thanksgiving.  She has it on display, and I think she was very happy with it.  

She was home for New Years and she critique my Santa's and then decided what Santa face she wanted and what material she wanted me to use on her Santa.  We worked on some toys together, so there will be some history with her Santa.   Katie Bug is 9 years old.  
This is the face she picked out.  I was happy because it was one of my own sculptures.  The little Jack In The Box is now at Katie's house.  She liked it so I gave it to her to hold onto until her Santa is done.  

Keep an eye out for the Mushrooms.  These mean Good luck in Germany.  They always had the mushroom on their trees.  Maybe you will like to get one for your tree.  I will be making them in pastels also.   ( Special Order )

Ok, back to the mushrooms.