
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

                                        It feels like late fall here. 

 Wow it got so cold so fast that I completely overlooked Halloween.  I guess that is because I was swamped with Santa orders.  I never got to finish my Witches.  I guess the can wait another year. Santas are in demand.  

This little fellow is on ebay as we speak.  He is so cute.  His shoulders can move so you have a few options with him.  



While going through my photos, I just realized that I had an order for this Santa in a red undercoat.  Yikes.

 My husband is making me wooden boxes to pour some molds in. I am going to get them on here as soon as I can.  I have been asked to go and show at so many different exhibitions  and shows that I can hardly do any.  Not enough time.

Just remember to start early this year so you can enjoy the holidays.  One year I cooked my turkey, sliced  it and had it ready to go for Christmas dinner.  From the freezer to the the oven to the table.  No one knew but me.  lol

Merry Christmas, D Koper  

Friday, September 26, 2014

Fall is here, and I am just thinking about Christmas.

My eye is looking for some wonderful fabrics for Santa and my Snowbabies. I have used vintage pink wool and antique white leather gloves on this Snow Lady.
She has just come from the Opera and Papa gave her a wonderful Frozen Charlotte.

Yep, I cut the fingers off a pair of opera gloves to make her very special.

Jingle bells on her hat. 


Yes, I am thinking about Christmas and Snow.  
Cheers and Merry Christmas,  D Koper

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Christmas is only 91 days away. 

While my daughter was in the shower, her 6 year old twins, found her Christmas stash and even her special Santa wrapping paper.  When she got out of the shower, they had all the toys lined up in the hall way.   LOL LOL  

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Baby it's cold outside !

Where did summer go?  It is only in the 60's this past week and one night it went down to 41.  Of course it had to be the morning I was getting up and going to work.  Shower in the cold did feel kind of nice.  I hope you are having a warmer last week of summer and some Indian Summer where you live.  

I have been working on several things.  As usual, I have too many irons in the fire.  Working on my web site.  It's up, but no one can buy yet. I don't have that part set up yet.  

I did want to show you what I have on it though. 

Don't you just love this picture ?  

Candy Container





 Site       dkvintageholiday.com

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Glad you stopped  by.