
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas is almost here.

                      Christmas Time is almost here.  

I love Christmas.  I love the decorations, bright colors and the music.  I have already started making plans for my blog for next year.  I thought I would give you and idea of what it takes to make a art piece.  And, I would like to give you some tutorials of some of my crafts.  Of course, this would all be free.  Who could ask for anything more.  

My snowpeople hit ebay and sold well.  I am very pleased for my first Christmas on ebay & etsy.  

I am already thinking about Spring & Easter.  Easter Bunny and soft green grass.  I still have bulbs that I never got around to planting.  Maybe, tomorrow.  the ground is not frozen yet.  It should be.  

I have several cutter quilts that Easter Bunny would look great in.  Let's see how we are going to do this.  Easter Bunny made out of the quilt or just a coat for the Easter Bunny made out of the quilt.  Decisions, Decisions. !!   That is one of my biggest decisions I have to make.  How do you use the limited amount of fabric to the best of your ability.  

The most up to date information is usually on my DK Vintage Holiday, facebook page.  


I still have several unfinished pieces sitting in my shop but can't  come up with the correct design to use them in.   This is where I have my most difficult task, " Deciding on how to use my pieces to the best of my ability.  I sometimes think, "I think too much".   

This is La Bafana, the Italian Santa lady.  She come to visit the children on Jan. 6th.  She came out beautiful.  So many people like her face, that I have to do more.  

Well better get back to the shop and make some decisions.  Merry Christmas !!       DK

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