
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The last Santa of 2013~ St Nicholas

This is the last of DK Vintage Holiday Santas for 2013.  It is fitting that he should be St. Nicholas.
St Nicholas 

This St Nicholas has the traditional ~

 Miter ~ hat

Crozier ~  Gold Staff

Cape ~  Pectoral cross ~  

Surplice ~  Red Stole 

The story is that St. Nicholas over heard a farmer talking to his daughters.  They had no dowry for the girls to wed.  St. Nicholas came back that evening and tossed gold coins into the chimney and they fell into the girls stockings which were hanging by the fireplace to dry.  With the gold, the daughters were able to wed.  

He carries a goose feather tree and a bag of vintage, gold mercury glass beads.  
He has a linen shirt and then a cotton surplice over top.  Cream flannel, slightly aged slacks.  The paper mache boots are  made in  Germany.  
His beard is white mohair.

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