
Friday, July 26, 2013

Working Fast & Furious

             Working Fast & Furious

I have been working on Santa's and Snowmen so fast and furiously.  I had been sick and now I have to catch up.  I found a branding black & white that I am going to use.  I just love it so much.  I liked it so much that I added a new board to pinterest, Black & White

It is filled with so many silhouettes that I had a hard time deciding on what to use.  

Here are a few of my favorites. I then had to decide on something totally different because this only represented Christmas.  What about the other Holidays I love?  


Old German Santa
Jolly Santa I grew up with.  

An older Santa that I love, love, love.

I had one more favorite and I picked it.  Here it is.  My new Branding, Black & White.  

Soon, it will be on all my sites.  When you see it, I will be close by.  

I felt that it has a "Holiday Festive  Spirit" about it but, you would never guess what Holiday.  That is why, I thought it was perfect.  It can represent all the Holidays that I create for !! 

Please keep watch for more news from me as I go about creating Santa's that look old, even though they are new.  

I will have a lot of candy container Santa's and Elves, and children.  What good is Christmas without children. Santa needs a child   next to him.  Don't you agree.  

Check out my Facebook page.  That is where I sell from, before ebay.  I even give sneak peeks on that page also.  Email me with any questions.  

As of today,  151 days until Christmas.  Start your shopping early.

 This year  Shop ~~ Made in the USA, 
Buy~~~ Handcrafted.  

Cheers, Dolores Koper

DK Vintage Holiday

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