
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Older Santa's have showed up !!  

These 2 precious Santa's showed up at the house a few days ago.  I gave them a chance to rest before taking their pictures.  Ha Ha  They will be going with me to the Summit Gallery Home tour on November 16, 2013.  It will be a one woman show and my Santas and Snowbabies.
He is holding a vintage floral stem of red Mercury Glass Beads, an old vintage, twisted ornament and a piece of WV coal at his feet.  

This Santa is holding a hand made sail boat.  His hat is from an antique quilt that had 1938 stitched into it.  

This Santa is wearing a vintage piece of material that came from the back of a velvet patchwork quilt.  His shirt is an old antique dresser scarf and it peeks out his coat sleeves.  He is caring a floral stem of green mercury glass beads.  His hat is from an old cutter quilt.  

Sunday, October 20, 2013


  Some more pictures of my Santas

I call him my Mountain Man Santa !  

Tiny Santa, Candy Container 

Tiny little Candy container

Theses will be the only 3 large Candy Containers for this year.  I will be making them year round now though.   $ 178.00

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Here are a few shots of the new Santa's for 2013

Sampling !!  Wish I took better pictures !!  
Mountain Santa and Blue Candy Container

Mountain Santa

Mountain Santa and his friend the Candy Container Santa.   

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

                           Santa Candy Containers

Three large, Santa candy containers showed up this weekend.  All my hard work is finally showing some results.  They brought along 2 smaller Santa's with them. So glad ! I just hate that the pictures don't do them justice.  I wish I took better pictures.  

I will be taking these to my one man, Gallery Show.  It is a wonderful opportunity  for an artist to get this recognition. 

Oh, where are the pictures........ tomorrow.   Come See !!   

Cheers and Merry Christmas  !    Dolores