
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Easter on it's way !!

                               Easters on it's way

Hello hello.  Easter is almost here and I am so sad that I did not get any Easter art finished.  Things just did not work out.  It was just one thing after another.  Not good things, bad things.  My husband said that he felt my heart was not in Easter.  My love of Christmas and Halloween overshadowed Easter.  Maybe he is right.  I have various Easter  pieces, half finished, all over my workshop. I want to clear it all out and start my Uncle Sam, Santa's, and Halloween men, and Witches.      

I am working on 2 stuffed Bunnies for my Grand daughters.  I'll get some pictures up as soon as I can.  Lindsey wants a pink one and Lauren wants a blue one.  Oh, they want a basket on his back.   They even told me what they want inside their basket.  They are only 5 .

               Santa's and Halloween Men 

I  have Santa's stripped pants made and great old flannel, in a dull blue, for the jacket.  He will be just great.  I am also making tons of Santa candy containers, with my hand sculpted faces.  These little faces look like Elves. In fact some will be elves. 

I hope you like the new look of my blog.  I worked on it over the weekend.  I also trying to figure out how to have 2 small columns on each side of the middle.  And, now the list of my post have disappeared.  Yikes !!!  What do I do?    

Ok,  going to my workshop.  I am going to try to finish my 2 bunnies for Lindsey Grace and Lauren Noel.   Grandma loves you. !!   

Hoppy Easter