
Saturday, September 29, 2012

October Fest is upon us.  

Went to 2 festivals to day.  It was the best day.  Sun shinning but not too hot.  Sweater weather in WVa.  Try to say that fast.  Ha Ha    I could not even type it right.  

I carried around my Green Santa art doll  like he was my child.    I just wanted to show him off.  It was like,  I just gave birth to a new baby and was holding him for all to see.  

He was glowing in the sunlight and the glow of my proud face.  I brought him back home to be standing next to his buddy, Antique Quilt Santa.

I met so many wonderful people and so many who were willing to share hints about their handiwork.  

I will be liking them on facebook so keep following me to see who the are and what great stuff they carry.  

So long for now.  Dk